The UAE to develop mines in eastern DRC after a US$1.9Bn deal is signed

News Analysis




The UAE to develop mines in eastern DRC after a US$1.9Bn deal is signed

The eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will see great efforts put into its mining development after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a deal which ensures US$1.9Bn investment in the region.

The UAE government and DRC state-owned enterprise Société Aurifère du Kivu et du Maniema (Sakima) have entered a partnership worth US$1.9Bn. The investment in the DRC will see at least four industrial mines developed in the South Kivu and Maniema Provinces. It is known that Sakima mines 3TGs (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold) from its concessions in the east of the country, however, it is unknown which of these commodities will be targeted via the promised investment. 

The DRC is well-known for artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), with ASM production of copper and cobalt prevalent in the south and 3TG output taking place in the east. But unlike the south of the country, the eastern states are home not only to ASM producers but also to smugglers and militias. These militia groups, up to 120 of them according to the United Nations, have been causing unrest towards locals and informal miners in the region – given their involvement in the illegal trade of the 3TGs.  

Th e UEA deal is viewed by the DRC government as a way to combat some of the negative issues caused by militias, as well as reduce the risks associated with artisanal mining and create a stable stream of income for informal miners. 

The new deal also further reinforces the partnership between the two nations. In December 2022, the Primera Group, a UAE company, and the DRC government entered a 25-year agreement which saw Primera given the sole rights to export select 3TG ores mined from artisanal mines in eastern DRC. The agreement between Primera and DRC was the catalyst for the UAE government to enter into a second deal with the DRC government. 
