Hydrogen trains in Germany starting to replace diesel locomotives

News Analysis




Hydrogen trains in Germany starting to replace diesel locomotives

Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niedersachsen (LNVG) has started replacing diesel locomotives with hydrogen-powered trains on a 100km stretch track in northwestern Germany.

The 15 diesel locomotives are planned to be replaced by 14 hydrogen-powered trains by the end of the year. Each hydrogen train is designed to run a full day on one hydrogen tank (total mileage of 1,000km) before refuelling overnight.

The hydrogen economy is heralded as the next phase in sustainable mobility, but for automotive OEMs like Toyota strategies not long ago pointed towards 2050 as the expected mass arrival. Forecasts have been corrected upwards in recent years with interest accelerating and concepts being put on the road. A key challenge in developing hydrogen fuel cells in transport has been building the supporting infrastructure. Fixed-route transport such as trains, busses, trucking, and even mine haul trucks, can circumvent unpredictable driving behaviour and reduce capital costs of refuelling infrastructures.
