Gallium Refined Cost Tracker

Cost Service

Gallium Refined Cost Tracker

Gallium’s criticality is shaped by its importance to electronics, its by-product nature, and the high concentration of its production in China. Approximately 90% of primary gallium production is derived from bauxite during the alumina refining process. Use the gallium refined cost tracker to compare gallium operation production costs across the industry. The cost tracker allows you to examine current and historic cost performance on an asset-by-asset basis, comparing financial performance from 2015 to now. The tracker enables a user to understand the forces underpinning the costs of 4N gallium production normalised on a US$/kg Ga basis.

Designed To:

  • Compare the cost of 4N gallium production from multiple assets and compare their performances on the industry cost curve.
  • Provide a cost breakdown of 4N gallium production from each asset worldwide.
  • Granular operating cost information for all assets on fuel, electricity, labour, etc.
  • Help understand historic and current price directions as production costs impact supply.
  • Provide independent industry cost analysis.


  • 14 fully costed gallium operations with cost data from 2015 to now.
  • Operating cost curves for gallium production – broken out by cost category and country.

Cost Breakdown:

Cost of production

+ Raw materials Cost

+ Reagents Cost

+ Fuel Cost

+ Electricity Cost

+ Labour Cost

+ Other Cost

All-In Sustaining Cost (FOB)
